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In Medieval Times, a book without a

was thought to be incomplete.  Who would want to read a book that had not been improved by the annotations of  others?   It would be like eating a meal without spices.  And, what author knows everything?   What  Book would  not improve by adding expert advice, amusing anecdote, and even harsh criticism?



I have tried to include raw (unedited) comments by pre-publication readers inside of my books, but I hope to receive more input – yours? – to add to the new editions,  in order that some day everyone will  agree that the last, not the first, edition is the best.  Please send your glosses for consideration.  Please let me know if it may be posted ahead of time and if you want your name on it. If an expert, please indicate your credentials (if academic, university, subject and position), so they may be noted. Be sure to let me whether you wish me to send a copy of your comments to you for proofing.  And, finally, forgive me if your gloss is not used.  To avoid redundancy and increase the possibility of your gloss being used, please look at the glosses already received  (and the errata.htm if your gloss involves a correction) for each book before  using your valuable time to write. And thank you, ahead of time.


Rise, Ye Sea Slugs!                                       Click here for the gloss.

Orientalism & Occidentalism                        Click here for the gloss.

Fly-ku!                                                         Click here for the gloss.

Octopussy, Blue Kidney & Blue Spots

OR The Woman Without a Hole                   Click here for the gloss.                              



Please enjoy the glosses whether or not you plan to add one.


Montaigne, whom I love, did not share the medieval love for glosses.

"Who would not say that glosses increase doubts and ignorance, since there is no book to be found, whether human or divine, with which the world busies itself, whose difficulties are cleared up by interpretation. . . . When do we agree and say, "There has been enough about this book; henceforth there is nothing more to say about it"?"

                                  trans. Donald M. Frame "Of Experience" in The Complete Essays of ~)

By "gloss," I do not mean only "interpretation."  I mean anything added for the amusement as well as education of the reader, including marginalia that a proper scholar might not consider a gloss. That is because I feel that bringing various perspectives to a theme, including the reader's reaction to my expression of it, broadens the interpretation. Call it explication rather than explanation. Ah, one more thing: By nature, I am like Hume, who made changes in every edition of his own book. I may be able to consider the books of others as finished, but I see my own as continuing experiments, works in progress.  Moreover, by the time  my books are published, I am never the same person I was when I sent the book to the printer. Which is to say, that I will join you in the glossing.

the author

Onegaishimasu!  Japanese contributions may be found in Japanese at   rangaichuu.htm



























glosses or additions to paraverse press books authored by robin d gill with a little help from his friends -- books include topsy-turvy 1585, cherry blossom epiphany, rise ye sea slugs , orientalism and occidentalism, the fifth season, and fly-ku! all books include japanese, lots of it. i write this on background to see if the search engines will read it but you will only see it if you print and chose plaintext!